Vaastu Dosh Remedies For Home | Vaastu Tips

Vaastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and construction, emphasizes harmony between the built environment and natural forces. If a home or building has Vaastu dosh (flaws or imbalances), certain remedies can be employed to mitigate these effects. One such remedy involves placing specific pictures or symbols on the front wall. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Benefits of Placing a God Picture Inside the Main Entry Door

  1. Protection from Negative Energies:

    • A god picture serves as a divine shield, protecting the household from negative energies and evil spirits.
  2. Attracting Positive Energy:

    • It attracts positive vibrations, creating a welcoming and auspicious atmosphere as soon as one enters the home.
  3. Blessings and Prosperity:

    • Placing a picture of a deity invites divine blessings, prosperity, and peace into the home.

Ideal Deities and Their Symbolism

  1. Lord Ganesha:

    • Symbolism: Known as the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom and prosperity.
    • Benefits: Removes hindrances and brings success and happiness.
  2. Goddess Lakshmi:

    • Symbolism: Goddess of wealth and prosperity.
    • Benefits: Attracts wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
  3. Lord Krishna:

    • Symbolism: Represents love, compassion, and divine joy.
    • Benefits: Fosters harmony, love, and spiritual upliftment.
  4. Goddess Durga:

    • Symbolism: Goddess of power and protection.
    • Benefits: Provides strength, courage, and protection from negative influences.


Framing and Maintenance:

    • Use a beautiful frame for the picture, and ensure it is kept in good condition.
  • Avoid Clutter:
    • Keep the area around the picture free from clutter to allow the free flow of positive energy.

In Vaastu Shastra, the use of a crystal ball is considered an effective remedy to balance energies and enhance positivity in the home. Here’s an elaboration on the use and benefits of crystal balls in Vaastu:

Benefits of Crystal Balls in Vaastu

  1. Enhancing Positive Energy:

    • Crystal balls are believed to absorb negative energy and radiate positive energy, creating a harmonious environment.
  2. Balancing Energy:

    • They help in balancing the energy flow in the house, ensuring that no area is overly energized or depleted.
  3. Amplifying Intentions:

    • Crystal balls can amplify the intentions set by the occupants, such as health, wealth, and happiness.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal:

    • Apart from their metaphysical benefits, crystal balls add a touch of elegance and beauty to home decor.

Wind chimes are a popular Vaastu remedy used to enhance the flow of positive energy and harmony in a home. Here’s an elaborate guide on using wind chimes as per Vaastu principles:

Benefits of Wind Chimes in Vaastu

  1. Harmonizing Energy:

    • Wind chimes create soothing sounds that help harmonize the energy flow in the home, promoting peace and tranquility.
  2. Dispelling Negative Energy:

    • The melodious sound of wind chimes disperses negative energy and replaces it with positive vibrations.
  3. Enhancing Good Luck:

    • Properly placed wind chimes can attract good luck and prosperity to the household.
  4. Balancing Elements:

    • Wind chimes help balance the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) within a living space, creating a harmonious environment.

Types of Wind Chimes and Their Significance

  1. Metal Wind Chimes:

    • Benefits: Metal wind chimes are particularly effective for attracting prosperity and good luck.
    • Placement: Ideal for the northwest, west, and north sectors of the home.
  2. Wooden Wind Chimes:

    • Benefits: Wooden wind chimes enhance growth and vitality.
    • Placement: Best suited for the east and southeast sectors.
  3. Ceramic or Clay Wind Chimes:

    • Benefits: These wind chimes are great for promoting health and stability.
    • Placement: Suitable for the southwest, northeast, and center of the home.
  4. Glass Wind Chimes:

    • Benefits: Glass wind chimes can enhance clarity and communication.
    • Placement: Can be placed in any sector, but especially beneficial in the north and northwest.

Placement Guidelines

  1. Main Entrance:

    • Purpose: Placing wind chimes near the main entrance helps attract positive energy into the home.
    • Direction: Choose a wind chime made of metal if the entrance faces north or west, and wood if it faces east or southeast.
  2. Living Room:

    • Purpose: Enhances the flow of positive energy and fosters a harmonious atmosphere.
    • Placement: Hang the wind chime in an area where it can catch gentle breezes and create soft, pleasant sounds.
  3. Bedroom:

    • Purpose: Promotes relaxation and tranquility.
    • Placement: Avoid hanging wind chimes directly above the bed. Instead, place them near a window where they can catch a gentle breeze.
  4. Balcony or Garden:

    • Purpose: Enhances the outdoor energy and creates a serene environment.
    • Placement: Hang wind chimes in areas where the wind naturally flows to maximize their sound and effect.
  5. Study or Office:

    • Purpose: Improves concentration and creativity.
    • Placement: Place wind chimes in the north or northeast sectors of the study or office.

Additional Tips

  1. Number of Rods:

    • Five Rods: Represents the five elements and is beneficial for overall harmony.
    • Six Rods: Attracts good luck and positive energy.
    • Eight Rods: Promotes wealth and prosperity.
  2. Material and Design:

    • Choose high-quality wind chimes with a pleasant sound. The design and material should align with the specific purpose and placement.
  3. Maintenance:

    • Regularly clean and dust the wind chimes to ensure they remain effective. Check for any damage and replace if necessary.
  4. Intention Setting:

    • When hanging a wind chime, set a positive intention or say a prayer to enhance its effectiveness.
  5. Avoid Clutter:

    • Ensure that the area around the wind chime is free from clutter to allow for the free flow of energy.

In Vaastu Shastra, broken mirrors and non-functional clocks are considered sources of negative energy that can disrupt the harmony and well-being of a household. Here’s an elaborate guide on why these items are problematic and how to address them:

Broken Mirrors

Why Broken Mirrors are Problematic

  1. Energy Distortion:

    • Broken mirrors distort the reflection, which can lead to distorted energy in the home. This can cause confusion and create negative vibes.
  2. Symbol of Bad Luck:

    • A broken mirror is often seen as a symbol of bad luck and misfortune. It is believed to attract negative energy and affect the mental state of the occupants.
  3. Self-Image Issues:

    • Mirrors reflect our image, and a broken mirror can symbolize a fractured self-image or self-esteem issues.

Remedies for Broken Mirrors

  1. Immediate Replacement:

    • Replace broken mirrors as soon as possible. Ensure the new mirror is whole, clear, and free from cracks or blemishes.
  2. Proper Disposal:

    • Dispose of the broken mirror carefully. Wrap it in a cloth or newspaper to avoid injury and discard it properly. Some traditions suggest burying it to neutralize the negative energy.
  3. Placement of Mirrors:

    • When placing new mirrors, ensure they are positioned according to Vaastu principles:
      • Avoid facing the bed: Mirrors should not reflect the bed as it can disrupt sleep and peace.
      • Entrance: Mirrors should not directly face the main entrance, as they can reflect positive energy out of the house.
      • Dining Room: Placing a mirror in the dining room can attract abundance and double the food, symbolizing prosperity.

Non-Functional Clocks

Why Non-Functional Clocks are Problematic

  1. Stagnation of Time:

    • A non-functional clock symbolizes stagnation and a lack of progress. It can lead to a feeling of being stuck in life and can impact the momentum of activities.
  2. Negative Energy:

    • Clocks that do not work are believed to attract negative energy and create an atmosphere of neglect and inattention.
  3. Health and Prosperity:

    • Non-functional clocks can affect the health and prosperity of the household, symbolizing a halt in growth and advancement.

Remedies for Non-Functional Clocks

  1. Repair or Replace:

    • Repair the clock immediately if it is not working. If it cannot be repaired, replace it with a new one that works perfectly.
  2. Proper Placement:

    • Place clocks in areas where they can be easily seen and are in good working order:
      • Living Room: A well-functioning clock in the living room can help regulate time management for the family.
      • Study or Office: A clock in the study or office can enhance productivity and punctuality.
      • Avoid Bedrooms: Avoid placing clocks directly opposite the bed as it can create restlessness.
  3. Regular Maintenance:

    • Ensure all clocks in the home are regularly checked and maintained to keep them in good working order.

General Vaastu Tips

  1. Regular Inspection:

    • Regularly inspect mirrors and clocks in the home to ensure they are in good condition and functioning properly.
  2. Positive Intention:

    • When placing or replacing these items, set a positive intention to enhance their effectiveness in attracting good energy.
  3. Clutter-Free Environment:

    • Maintain a clutter-free environment around mirrors and clocks to allow for the free flow of positive energy.

For specific Vaastu dosh, consulting a Vaastu expert can provide personalized guidance and remedies.

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